Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fin-Track?

Fin-Track is an application that enables you to visualize your financial growth by pulling in Balance and Transaction data from your Financial Institutions. The focus is on tracking your overall Worth, versus Spending/Budgeting.

Is Fin-Track a finished application?

No. Fin-Track is under active development. As such, your input and feedback will help shape what charts and reporting will be made available.

Do you sell my information?

Absolutely not. Your financial data is your own, and we will never disclose it (other than law enforcement legal requests). Nor will we contact you trying to sell financial services. Given that, we may need to charge a very small fee (see below).

Is Fin-Track free?

Since we receive no outside funding, we may need to charge a small fee to cover the cost of interfacing with financial institutions and hosting the server. We still need to work out the pricing model.

How often is transaction, holding, and balance data refreshed?

Daily, or whenever our data provider indicates there is updated data for an account.

Do you have plans to make the pages more friendly for mobile devices?

Yes, but the first priority is getting data in and validating that we are presenting it correctly on bigger screens. Again, this is a work-in-progress!

I have more questions

Great! Please drop an email to with your questions, ideas, or suggestions!